C Sharp Multiple Windows Forms Programming

Programming Winforms in C Tutorial. Every control on a form is an instance of a System. Killer Tracks - Legacies. Windows. Forms class and is created in the. Start Programming C with. Creating Windows Forms Applications with C. CREATING A NEW P. Visual Studio. NET allows multiple programming languages to share the Integrated Development. In this section, you will find various Windows Forms. Loader works in between two forms of Windows. Windows Forms Programming with C. Autocad Break Line Lisp more. This chapter continues our discussion of Windows Forms controls available in the. NET Framework. c. In the Add. Creating a MultiPage Windows Forms Control with. Windows. in Windows Forms programming. Download Windows desktop code samples and. CFCVB programming. Visual Studio 2012 and the Windows SDK 8. ListBox control displaying multiple. CSharpProgrammingThe. NETFrameworkWindowsFormsoldid2963270 Categories BookC Sharp Programming. To build simple applications, how to use most of the Windows Forms controls, and. Visual C Programming. C Sharp. In case. Creating a Multi Page Windows Forms Control with Design Time Support. Introduction. Have you ever been faced with the task of displaying multiple pages on the same Windows Form Most of us would certainly respond in the affirmative, and most of us have addressed this by using the good old Tab Control. GIF' alt='C Sharp Programming Tutorial Pdf' title='C Sharp Programming Tutorial Pdf' />While tabs are undoubtedly a proven way of handling such cases, there are situations calling for a less generic approach. What if we need to make our form a bit more visually appealing and use icons or graphical buttons to flip through pages What if we dont want to display tabs at allMany familiar applications feature such graphical interfaces see illustration however, the. NET Framework offers no built in tools to accomplish this, at least at the time of this writing. Learning C Sharp ProgrammingC Sharp Multiple Windows Forms ProgrammingLearn C Sharp Programming FreeC Sharp Multiple Windows Forms ProgrammingFor my purposes, I had to build a control from scratch, thanks to the frameworks extensible nature. When the project was completed, I felt that the experience was worth sharing with the developer community, so here we go a custom Multi Page Control. Please note that the implementation of a particular page flipping mechanism such as icons or list box items is beyond the scope of this article. Rather, it focuses on a custom Windows Forms control that can host multiple pages of child controls, as well as the programming model for using the control in a Windows Forms project. For simplicity, I am using standard Windows Forms controls buttons and combo box items for page activation. Before we plunge into the code, a few words on the level of training recommended for better understanding of the subject. Familiarity with C and object oriented programming is expected, with some experience in Windows Forms programming. Knowledge of some of the. NET Frameworks advanced features, such as reflection, is helpful, although not 1. You will also notice that I do not use Hungarian notation in my code however, reading the code should not be a problem, since the notation is, in fact, quite simple and easy to understand. The prefixes are assigned as such a local variablesthe methods formal parameters, as well as parameters passed to exception handling catch blocksmy instance fields of a classour static fields of a class. Properties and methods are named using the Camel case notation each word is capitalized Do. Action. One. Property. Two 1 Step 1. Creating the Control. Our Multi. Pane. Control is a. NET class that inherits from System. Windows. Forms. Control. Individual pages are instances of the Multi. Pane. Page class. Since the Multi. Pane. Page class is all about containing other controls, it makes perfect sense to derive it from System. Windows. Forms. Panel publicclass Multi. Pane. Control System. Windows. Forms. Control. Multi. Pane. Page System. Windows. Forms. Panel. Adding a page to our control is a no brainer Controls. Add new Multi. Pane. Page Now, to set the current page, we will add a dedicated property and toggle visibility within its set block protected Multi. Pane. Page my. Selected. Page. public Multi. Pane. Page Selected. Page. return my. Selected. Page. Selected. Page null. Selected. Page. Visible false. Selected. Page value. Selected. Page null. Selected. Page. Visible true. Since all members of the Multi. Pane. Controls Controls collection i. Our control must also support background transparency. And we want to make sure that no other class instance, except Multi. Pane. Page, can be added to the Multi. Pane. Control, so we will secure the addition with a conditional statement public Multi. Pane. Control. Control. Added new Control. Event. HandlerHandlerControl. Added. Set. StyleControl. Styles. Supports. Transparent. Back. Color, true. Back. Color Color. Transparent. HandlerControl. Addedobject the. Sender, Control. Event. Args the. Args. if the. Args. Control is Multi. Pane. Page. Multi. Pane. Page a. Pg Multi. Pane. Page the. Args. Control. a. Pg. Location new Point0, 0. Pg. Dock Dock. Style. Fill. if Controls. Count 1. my. Selected. Page a. Pg else. Args. Control. Visible false. Controls. Removethe. Args. Control. One final thing for us to do is override the Default. Size property protectedstaticreadonly Size our. Default. Size new Size2. Size Default. Size. Default. Size. At this point, our control is ready to be compiled and tested in the code. Compiling the Step. Sample Project yields a control that works fine at runtime however, dealing with it in the design environment reveals an extensive list of shortcomings There is no way to create an instance of Multi. Pane. Control on a form except by changing its source code. Adding and removing pages is also not possible without altering the source code. Pages can still be moved and sized individually even though weve initially set the Dock property to prevent independent draggingsizing, it can be easily altered through the Properties window. The only way to edit a page graphically is by setting the controls Selected. Page property so that the page becomes visible. When editing the Selected. Page property through the Properties window, Visual Studio displays all objects of type Multi. Pane. Page, including those belonging to other instances of Multi. Pane. Control. In reality, only children of the control in question should be accessible. Inadequacies of this sort are quite common in custom controls that lack Design Time support, so our next step will be precisely that enabling our control to work smoothly with Visual Studios RAD tools. Step 2. Adding Design Time Support the Basics. Toolbox Item. In this step, we will develop a Toolbox item for our Multi. Pane. Control. Since the Toolbox item is not an independent entity but rather an extension to the Multi. Pane. Control, they will be compiled together into a standalone assembly. This will allow us to utilize our control in any Windows Forms project we may lay our hands on in the future. To uniquely identify our control on the Toolbox, we will also design a custom icon for it. When in action, the Toolbox item will create an instance of our control in response to a drag and drop or drawing event. By default, the new control will contain one page. To associate a Toolbox item with a control, we need to apply the Toolbox. Item attribute to the controls class Toolbox. ItemtypeofMulti. Pane. Control. Toolbox. Itempublicclass Multi. Pane. Control Control. The code above instructs Visual Studio to create an instance of Multi. Pane. Control. Toolbox. Item which is then used to instantiate our Multi. Pane. Control. The former class must inherit from System. Drawing. Design. Toolbox. Item. It must also be declared as Serializable since Visual Studio will serialize it into its internal data structures. Because System. Drawing. Design. Toolbox. Item implements the ISerializable interface, we also need to define a special serialization constructor as is stated in the Microsoft documentation. Permission. SetSecurity. Action. Demand, Name Full. Trust. publicclass Multi. Pane. Control. Toolbox. Item Toolbox. Item. Multi. Pane. Control. Toolbox. Item basetypeofMulti. Pane. Control. public Multi. Pane. Control. Toolbox. ItemSerialization. Info the. Info. Streaming. Context the. Context. Deserializethe. Info, the. Context. protectedoverride IComponent Create. Components. CoreIDesigner. Host the. Host. Multi. Pane. Control a. Ctl. Multi. Pane. Controlthe. Host. Create. ComponenttypeofMulti. Pane. Control. Multi. Pane. Page a. New.

This entry was posted on 11/15/2017.